The Photoshoot Is A Done Deal :-)

Typically it rained, not heavily most of the time, but it was still wet and pretty damn chilly too 😦 The photographer arrived just after one and we tried waiting for a bit to see if the rain would let up, but it wasn’t to be and we had to press on and take the photos.

The bikes, both my Blade and my OH’s BladeFighter, looked stunning! Mine more so of course, not that I’m biased or anything but she is MY baby.  My OH was tasked with moving the bikes round to the required positions for the photographer, a task he accomplished beautifully (please note: NOT being sarcastic or nuffin!!!) while I made tea, and did other general helpful stuff 😉

I was seriously impressed with how good the photos looked on the camera, my Fireblade looked like she was taking part in a Honda promotional photoshoot, and once that issue of Practical Sportsbikes comes out I’m gonna see if I can get copies of the photos.  It would be great to have one of them to frame and put up on the wall somewhere at home..

Needless to say I’m also going to invest in a few copies of the magazine as well for posterity 🙂

4 Responses to The Photoshoot Is A Done Deal :-)

  1. davez says:

    What issue is your blade in? I managed to get my nc29 in the mags “in your shed” section a couple of issues ago,

  2. Martin says:

    Looks wonderful…. paint job is great.

  3. Raven says:

    That wasn’t a paint job, it’s as original 🙂

  4. fazer west says:

    So good to see other women riding! i got my first bike this week, ive been riding it about 2-3 hours a day, today we (my hubby and I) had me doing inclines, ugh, pain in the butt but i got it after killing it 15 times haha, im vlogging on youtube if you want to check it out!

    would love to see the photoshoot pics!

    stay safe!!

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