Poor Blog, Thou Art Soooo Neglected :-(

October 12, 2012

I know, I’ve been sooooooo bad and totally neglected my blog… BUT with good reason (well I think it’s a good reason!!)

About 18 months ago I decided it would be a good idea to try and find some purple glass candle holders for my house and after not being able to find any I thought I’d have a go and make them myself, figuring that it couldn’t be too difficult.

Famous last words……  well sort of!  One candle holder led to another, led to a suncatcher, led to a suncatcher being sold and then another  and another and before you know it…….

18 months on I now run a business from home called Raven’s Stained Glass in my spare time making stained glass suncatchers, Christmas decorations, candle holders and the like and sell on the internet via my own website, Etsy, Folksy, Wow Thank You, MISI and Facebook!  I also accidentally strayed into Jewellery making as well under the business name of Nevar… Sigh, I must be BONKERS!!!

To say the last 18 months have been busy is an understatement especially as I work full time now and with Christmas not far away things have gone slightly mad again.

I do still have my Fireblade and my Thundercat and still ride most days but I just don’t seem to have the time to write about it so much now I’m afraid 😦

Hopefully it won’t be so long before I pop back again and I’ll try and be a good little blogger and pop back more often from now on 🙂
MWAHHHH to you all 🙂